HFPJC is proud to release its annual Status Report, including the 800 cemeteries where we are/were involved, with a code on its current status. The current status report also has a separate listing of all 365 restored cemeteries, and information on the maintenance program.
After months of tedious work, the Marghita cemetery in Romania is now fully restored. The cemetery boasts a beautiful new wall, newly re-erected gravestones with fresh, concrete foundations, and an impressive new ohel. Descendants visited the cemetery upon completion to see the work from close up and to light candles at the newly restored gravesites of their ancestors.
The gravestones in the cemetery of Rzepniek, Poland were properly re-erected following a comprehensive fence construction. With this final endeavor, the Rzepniek cemetery has been restored to honor, as befits a beis hachaim.
After many delays, the Fehergyarmat project is finally launched! This Hungarian cemetery is now being fully restored, with a new protective wall and re-erected gravestones. Descending families rejoice as their ancestral burial site finally receives the honor and dignity it so richly deserves.
Full restoration is launched in the cemetery of Revleanvyar, Hungary. A new construction company has been enlisted to assist with the broadening restoration activities of the HFPJC, and they are performing solidly in their maiden project. Descendants are looking forward to seeing this project completed shortly.
Zdana descendants rejoice at the completion of the cemetery restoration, 16 years after it was initially evaluated. The project included tedious groundwork to enable the sturdy placement of the new wall. Now the cemetery is fully enclosed with a durable, concrete wall, the matzevos and grounds are properly restored, and the honor and dignity were returned to the righteous souls interred in the cemetery.
Grueling work continues in Trencseny, Slovakia to lift and re-erect the large, heavy tombstones in the cemetery. Amazing discoveries have also been made throughout the project, unearthing stones of prominent scholars whose exact burial places were unknown.
Petrova cemetery restoration project now completed with restoration of 211 stones! New concrete wall around the cemetery has been built through Avoyseinu in year 2017 in the first phase of restoration, and all the stones have been re-erected on new concrete foundations in the second and final phase.
The cemetery in Marghita, Romania was thoroughly cleaned in preparation for the second phase of the wall construction. Actual construction will begin the week of March 11, weather permitting.
The HFPJC team is prepared to service all your cemetery-related needs.